The Gift That Gives Back


The Gift That Gives Back

If I was trying to give you free flowers, books, and other gifts, would you try to stay away from me?

The Hare Krishna Society struggled a lot to get money in the 1970’s. Many of its members were on the streets begging for donations. And not much came by. Many people were disrupted by their clothing. But because these items held symbolic value,

But something changed during that decade. The Society decided to shift how they asked for donations from others. Instead of just nicely requesting, they would provide gifts in the form of flowers or books. Many walking by would be forced to take such items. Then they were simply asked if they would like to donate, just as before. And the Hare Krishna Society saw a tremendous amount of donations for their organization.

We’re told there’s no such thing as a “free” lunch. And in some sense, that notion is true. That’s why today many people actively avoid others who are giving them unsolicited gifts. Because it sets inside of them the same sense of obligation that made people donate to the Hare Krishna Society after they gave their gift.

We’ll never feel like we have enough. That leads to a mindset of scarcity. What are we missing? Our box seems small, and therefore it would be better keep what’s in it to ourselves. All we look for then is for what to take.

But we can choose to see the situation differently. We can instead say that our box seems small, but it would be better if more people had it. Then we are looking for what to give.

The giver isn’t a fool. Society rewards those who provide their gifts to the world. Who look at how they can fill other people’s boxes. Often without the intention to take anything in the first place. So will you be a taker or a giver?

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