Just One More Thing To Check


Just One More Thing To Check

Maybe I should send this e-mail too while I’m at it.

Oh, someone just messaged me. Let me reply.

Hm, I think I need to check up on my post online.

Oh look at what this person put on their feed. It’s hilarious. I’m going to comment something.

This seems like an interesting video. Let me check it out…

And on and on and on.

There’s an endless stream of items for you to take care of and put your attention to. If you’re going to prioritize what’s important to you: your work, health, relationships, and so on, the question is not about how to be part of that stream while also doing on that other thing. Because the stream will just pull you away.

Instead, it’s about deciding when it’s actually important in your day to be a part of that stream, and when it might be better to stay out of it altogether.

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