Tag: experience


Intuition from The Worlds of Our Creation

Imagine I provided the following description of an individual named Linda:   “Linda is thirty-one years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in antinuclear demonstrations.” Now I want to ask you which of the following […]


The Story With A Thousand Titles

You already know our world runs through narratives. They form the foundations of what we perceive. And before, I warned you not to let those narratives blind you from understanding the world in its reality. While we should be aware of these dangers, there is something stories offer that we should never take for granted. […]


Let Go Of Your Experience

There were two groups of scientists working on the same task in two separate labs. One set of scientists had vague credentials. A couple physicists, chemists, and biologists grouped up together. The other set were scientists that were experts in their field in E. Coli. And both were experimenting with proteins from E. Coli. Psychologist […]


Learning To Not Be Educated

“When it’s work, [people] try to figure out how to do less. When it’s art, they try to figure out how to do more” Seth Godin An interesting study was taken whereby a large group of community college students were taken to be testing on their math skills. The question? Which of the following is […]


What I Learned From Only Meditating For 10 Days Straight

Yesterday I just returned to civilization. I was out for 10 days at a facility that teaches a course on Vipassana Meditation. I had no access to my phone, internet and I was not allowed to communicate with anyone both verbally or non-verbally for all intents and purposes.  I was honestly expecting it to be […]

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