Prepare for the Right Things


Prepare for the Right Things

Oftentimes it’s a lot better to over-prepare than under-prepare when it comes to important things in life.

It’s good to have a solid amount of stored food in case something happens to grocery stores. It’s good to pay a bit for some home security, even if nothings been reported in your area. It’s good to have a plan B for your job or money, even if your career seems secure. It’s good to know if the window you’re going to throw a metal ball will break or not before you show it to a crowd.

“Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face”. So make sure to have some gauze pads on hand.

But be conscious about what you’re preparing for. And don’t believe that this is about the fact that you “should” prepare for something.

Having a year’s worth of toilet paper at home might not prepare you for anything. You could easily order it online and get it shipped if stores close. There’s plenty of manufacturing in the U.S. so you might not need to worry about importation issues. And truly, is it that important on your list?

There’s a difference between panic and preparedness. It’s good to be prepared, but panic just spreads like wildfire.

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