The Second Prescription We Never Check


The Second Prescription We Never Check

There’s a great video by Prince EA. You can find it below. He offered us the choice between being blind and being deaf. And for most people, the answer is to be deaf. Because that’s how important we feel our eyes are above all the other senses.

But how often do we walk around the world and appreciate its beauty? How often to we make our goals clear to ourselves? How often do we get short-sighted and look back to wonder what we’ve been doing all this time?

It’s almost like looking back and realizing we’ve been walking through time with nothing but a walking stick telling us where to go. But it’s only recognized those things immediately in front of us, without leading us to our true destination.

In order to get to where we want to be, we have to have a clear vision not just in space, but in time.

When we do so, we find that we don’t lost track of ourselves in the passing of time. That the direction we’re heading towards is always our true destination. And we don’t get lost in the pressure of the near-future to sacrifice our far-future.

Ensure that your sight along time is also 20/20. You’re going to need a clear vision for it

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