Choose Your Battles


Choose Your Battles

Because unfortunately, there’s a cost to everything. Whether you decide to eat healthy or not. Be unproductive or not. Focus on this path instead of another. There’s something you’re sacrificing. That’s just the natural state of things.

Sometimes the choice can be to give up something for the pursuit of something else. Kind of like how Chase Jarvis gave up on Med School to pursue professional photography, even though he hadn’t done photography before.

Sometimes the choice can be to battle two things, and gamble on winning. Kind of like how Elon Musk decided to split his money between Tesla and SpaceX possibly dooming both but ended up saving them both rather than losing. That was risky, but it was the choice he made.

There will be some battle you face. At the very least though, you have the ability to choose among them. Don’t let go of such a responsibility, or others will choose for you.

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