Time Dials


Time Dials

What do you LOVE spending time on?

There can be easy answers to this like watching Netflix. But I want you to dig a big deeper to the things that make you feel fulfilled after doing them. It often tends to be a creative activity like cooking, reading, writing, drawing. Or it could be about spending time with family and close relationships. Anything to your heart’s content.

Now, I want you to imagine what it would be like if you could quadruple the amount of time you spend each week on that activity.

Seriously, sit on that for a good minute.

There’s all sorts of crazy things. Progressing way more on those activities that I’ve always wanted to and just having more fun in the day.

Now let’s go back down a second. I’m going to take a page from Ramit Sethi’s book on Money Dials, and say we need to do the same with our time dials. That is, instead of trying to maintain a constant dial between everything, turn up on the things you love, and turn down to the minimum on everything else.

Obviously, it’s easy to not be spending much time on that our favorite activities. In fact, we can often push them aside in favor of more important obligations.

But I hope to show you why it could be amazing, and perhaps essential, to refactor your time to the places you love it most. We can explore how soon. But for now, just imagine.

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