Tag: stories


The Story With A Thousand Titles

You already know our world runs through narratives. They form the foundations of what we perceive. And before, I warned you not to let those narratives blind you from understanding the world in its reality. While we should be aware of these dangers, there is something stories offer that we should never take for granted. […]


The Belief in Stories

When a professional trader is faced with a stock dropping in price when he believes it will eventually go up, what does he do? Most people would believe that if one is confident that a stock will eventually rise, they should hold on to it. In fact, they should buy even more. It’s cheaper than […]


The Trap of Negative Experiences And What To Do About It

“Your experience is entirely determined by you” Sadguru One of the worst experiences of my life occurred my junior year of high school. I had worked all year to become the #1 scorer in my team for Academic Decathlon, a high school competition. I put in all the hours, blood, sweat, tears into my work […]

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