Tag: thinking


Intuition Can Lead You Astray

In a hospital where babies are being born and put into separate lines, do any of these lines of boys and girls seem less likely than the others?: BBBGGG GGGGGG BGGBGB Intuitively it would appear that the first one seems less likely and certainly the second one is very unlikely. The third one seems as […]


Intuition from The Worlds of Our Creation

Imagine I provided the following description of an individual named Linda:   “Linda is thirty-one years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in antinuclear demonstrations.” Now I want to ask you which of the following […]


Procrastinating, Strategically

Martin Luther King Jr. gave one of the most well-known speeches in American history during the 1963 March on Washington For Jobs and Freedom. He also prepared the speech the night before, finishing at about 3 A.M. And it wasn’t because he was too busy to start early. Martin Luther King had spent weeks getting […]


Let Go Of Your Experience

There were two groups of scientists working on the same task in two separate labs. One set of scientists had vague credentials. A couple physicists, chemists, and biologists grouped up together. The other set were scientists that were experts in their field in E. Coli. And both were experimenting with proteins from E. Coli. Psychologist […]

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