Cheat Days Are Fine. Cheat Moments Destroy Us.


Cheat Days Are Fine. Cheat Moments Destroy Us.

How can a day of wasting time, skipping healthy habits, and being unproductive be better than just doing it for a quick second?

Because at least it’s scheduled. You know what you’re doing. And you do it for the day.

The moment is nonexistent yet everlasting. To divulge attention to our phones for a second doesn’t feel that bad. It’s almost like it didn’t even happen.

But that’s the issue. The moments add up, and we never see it doing so. They end up destroying the good habits we are trying to build, but don’t satisfy us enough to stop. It’s like how people who get six hours of sleep for two weeks have a mental performance similar to not sleeping for 48 hours. And they aren’t even aware of any decline. At least those who are awake for even 24 hours know something is wrong.

It’s ok to take the day off. We aren’t robots. The trick is to be harsh on those cheat moments. They can take more from us than we realize.

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