Why You Shouldn’t Face The Day


Why You Shouldn’t Face The Day

Because it’s not your enemy.

It’s an opportunity.

The day isn’t a list of things to grudge through before you can consume and entertain yourself. You’re not bound to push a rock up a mountain each day endlessly by any means.

This age is the biggest opportunity of them all. You have an unlimited pass to try at nearly anything you want. No permission needed.

You want to make music? Release a track on SoundCloud. Want to write? Publish an e-book. Want to dance? Make a YouTube channel as your portfolio.

The possibilities are endless. So why would you ever wake up believing you have something to face and overcome?

You only have a journey to undertake, whichever journey you’d like to take. A journey that’s only possible because you woke up today. I’d suggest making it worthwhile though.

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