Category: Uncategorized


Actions Speak Louder Than Complaints

“We need to take out the trash.” “Can someone do the laundry?” “Somebody needs to get a floor broom soon.” These are the types of statements that can come when living with others in a home. But have they ever lead to anything meaningful? Oftentimes it is simply a shared proclamation that leads to little […]


Which Wolf Are You Feeding?

An amazing parable: “” An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, […]


Seize The Moment, Or Maybe Find A New One

It’s simple to formulate one future. One path. One outcome you want to see come to fruition. And we start running in that direction. Because this is what will help accomplish our goals and achieve success. And what happens when that opportunity doesn’t open up for us? When someone or something has selected against us. […]


Don’t Wash Your Hands?

Washing your hands more than twenty times a day makes you 2.8 times more likely to contract dermatitis. Sounds crazy right? Well, maybe we don’t wash our hands twenty times a day. Btu shouldn’t it be even safer? Sanitation is really, really effective at cleaning and avoiding disease. But have you ever noticed that most […]


Prepare for the Right Things

Oftentimes it’s a lot better to over-prepare than under-prepare when it comes to important things in life. It’s good to have a solid amount of stored food in case something happens to grocery stores. It’s good to pay a bit for some home security, even if nothings been reported in your area. It’s good to […]


Important or Urgent?

Think about what you have been worrying about this past day. All the mental and physical effort and energy that has gone into it. The question is, how will you think about it a year from now? Will you look back on it thinking it was worth all the time on it? Or will you […]

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