Tag: spirituality


Boredom is Exciting

When people think of difficult challenges, they think of athletic feats or complex mental puzzles. But very few look at something that may be the most challenging of all. Sitting down for a lengthy period of time and doing nothing. There’s a certain frustration that comes with creating something new. It’s the writer’s block that […]


Prioritize The Now and Execute

Imagine, for a moment, that you are a Navy SEAL operating on a mission on the other side of the world.  The team you’re leading is tasked with scouting the upper levels of an abandoned building to destroy the building. That way it would not serve as a tactical point for enemies on future missions. […]


The Trap of Negative Experiences And What To Do About It

“Your experience is entirely determined by you” Sadguru One of the worst experiences of my life occurred my junior year of high school. I had worked all year to become the #1 scorer in my team for Academic Decathlon, a high school competition. I put in all the hours, blood, sweat, tears into my work […]

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