Tag: organization


Organize By Essence

There’s so much to do each day. And often it feels like so little time to do it. But the truth is, there is a lot of time. 24 hours can be utilized extremely well, even considering 8 hours of sleep, 2 hours of eating, 1 hour of exercise, etc. Oftentimes the issue isn’t that […]


Prioritize The Now and Execute

Imagine, for a moment, that you are a Navy SEAL operating on a mission on the other side of the world.  The team you’re leading is tasked with scouting the upper levels of an abandoned building to destroy the building. That way it would not serve as a tactical point for enemies on future missions. […]


Organizing By Essence

It’s always surprising to me how easy it is to lose perspective when it seems like there’s a hurricane of work around me. It could be a lot of homework. It could be a project. It could even be other people. And during those times I tell myself it’s ok to sacrifice a little bit […]

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