Can they co-exist? One of my favorite quotes by Michael Singer: “Everything is ok as soon as you are ok with everything.” But most people don’t think this kind of happiness aligns with success or ambition. Whenever I mention this quote to people, they respond, “Well that’s great, but if everything is ok, why would […]
Everything is an Exception
Just this once. It’s ok to eat the piece of cake. It’s ok to skip the gym. It’s ok to sleep late. After all, it’s a special event right? But then next week another event comes along. Maybe even the next day. And what will you do then? Convince yourself that this is just the […]
Why You Shouldn’t Face The Day
Because it’s not your enemy. It’s an opportunity. The day isn’t a list of things to grudge through before you can consume and entertain yourself. You’re not bound to push a rock up a mountain each day endlessly by any means. This age is the biggest opportunity of them all. You have an unlimited pass […]
The Best Tip For Your Success
Here it is: Stop looking for tips. The tips, tricks, and tactics are nothing but a blanket to hide behind. They’re the 1% you can add on at the end to edge out some more from your work. But it doesn’t matter if you have Stephen King’s pen. Tim Ferriss’s morning routine. Steve Wozniak’s keyboard. […]
What’s Your Trajectory?
There’s a great quote on a Pieology wall I visited: “Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant” — Robert Louis Stevenson. How easy it for us to simply look at the day, week, or year and say “What did I get out of it?” I think this […]
You’re Not Who You Think You Are
You’re not who I think you are either. You’re who you think I think you are. A great insight by Richard Landvatter. We mess around with this double perception of ourselves. Because we construct an image of what we think is the image other people construct of us. And we tend to follow that image. […]
The Second Prescription We Never Check
There’s a great video by Prince EA. You can find it below. He offered us the choice between being blind and being deaf. And for most people, the answer is to be deaf. Because that’s how important we feel our eyes are above all the other senses. But how often do we walk around the […]
Skip The Ads In Your Life
Don’t you hate them when they pop up on YouTube? You’re probably just sitting there staring at the skip button to open up. Maybe you’re forced to sit through a 15 second one. But imagine if there was a 1 minute ad you couldn’t skip. There would be petitions against the practice. People would get […]
Persistency, Consistency, and Generosity
You probably don’t need any more than that to be successful in any work or habit.
You Can’t Close Off Life
“You are scared of dying-and tell me, is the kind of life you lead really any different from being dead?” Seneca What most people think about on a daily basis isn’t “I hope this happens to me”. It’s the anxiety of “I hope this doesn’t happen to me”. It could be death. It could be […]