
Why You Shouldn’t Face The Day

Because it’s not your enemy. It’s an opportunity. The day isn’t a list of things to grudge through before you can consume and entertain yourself. You’re not bound to push a rock up a mountain each day endlessly by any means. This age is the biggest opportunity of them all. You have an unlimited pass […]


The Best Tip For Your Success

Here it is: Stop looking for tips. The tips, tricks, and tactics are nothing but a blanket to hide behind. They’re the 1% you can add on at the end to edge out some more from your work. But it doesn’t matter if you have Stephen King’s pen. Tim Ferriss’s morning routine. Steve Wozniak’s keyboard. […]


Intuition Can Lead You Astray

In a hospital where babies are being born and put into separate lines, do any of these lines of boys and girls seem less likely than the others?: BBBGGG GGGGGG BGGBGB Intuitively it would appear that the first one seems less likely and certainly the second one is very unlikely. The third one seems as […]

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