I’m starting this article having traveled much of the day with little time to research and write to a deep topic. I’m also hoping to go to bed in the next hour to not miss too much of my sleep. I could just post this tomorrow and skip the article altogether, but here I am. […]
The Myth of Long Term Planning
How many times has someone asked you where do you see yourself in 5 years? Maybe it’s an interview question or just a relative you haven’t seen in a while. And there are generally two types of responses. One is agony over scrambling for words. That person gives some vague description about how well their […]
The Trap of Negative Experiences And What To Do About It
“Your experience is entirely determined by you” Sadguru One of the worst experiences of my life occurred my junior year of high school. I had worked all year to become the #1 scorer in my team for Academic Decathlon, a high school competition. I put in all the hours, blood, sweat, tears into my work […]
Why Playing Could Be the Most Important Thing For Our Work
“One thing is certain, during play, animals are especially prone to behave in flexible and creative ways” James Panksepp, Affective Neuroscience While most people spend their Saturday mornings with their family, going outside, or maybe just sleeping in, Oliver Smithies, a biochemist, spends his back in the lab. He loves this time because typical work […]
How Anyone Can Achieve A CEO-level Morning Routine
We’ve all heard the stories. The highest performers and leaders in every industry talk about how they wake up 2 hours before the crack of dawn, do yoga and meditation, workout twice, and have an optimal breakfast to get their day going. It seems almost magical. And while they’re starting to work, we’re still trying […]
The One Principle Keeping Us From Our Habits… And How to Fix It
How many times have you been enthusiastic to start something new? Pick up a new hobby, design a new project, start a new diet/workout routine? And how much of those things did you see to completion? Chances are, not that many. But that’s ok, the conversion rate on my enthusiasm is next to little as […]
Stop Defining Your Goals and Start Identifying Your Identity
“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how” – Friedrich Nietzsche When I was younger, one of the toughest things for me was trying to start an exercise routine. I’d keep telling myself this time I would do it. That I’d commit to exercising an hour a day and getting on […]
What I Learned From Only Meditating For 10 Days Straight
Yesterday I just returned to civilization. I was out for 10 days at a facility that teaches a course on Vipassana Meditation. I had no access to my phone, internet and I was not allowed to communicate with anyone both verbally or non-verbally for all intents and purposes. I was honestly expecting it to be […]