Practice instead. Learning means being receiving information and keeping it stored as knowledge. It’s a really useful skill to have. Practicing, on the other hand, is finding ways to apply knowledge until you get good at it. It’s very easy to sit back and learn. Play some background music while doing homework. Listen to a […]
Want to Talk To The CEO of Google?
You’re probably thinking it’s not possible. When Tim Ferris challenged a lecture hall of Princeton students to contact the highest profile person they can (George Bush, Bill Gates, etc.) and ask them a question, no one did anything. Even though the prize was a free round-trip ticket to the destination of their choosing. When Seth […]
Chicken or the Egg?
Which came first? Or maybe it’s worth asking, why does it matter? There are a lot of questions worth asking for a lot of people. But some are perhaps not as relevant as we thought. We can only look to answer so many questions. Let’s focus the ones worth answering.
Wounds Or Wisdom?
Which would we prefer? We make mistakes. Human history does not always have the best foot forward. But unfortunately, we can’t fix the past. No matter how much we want to make up for it. Because it no longer exists. It only is remembered through our own minds. Of course, an option would be to […]
The Easy Thing About Hard Things
Iowa State researchers conducted a study where they took three groups of students and gave them a list of words to remember. Afterward, a group either recited the words immediate, after 15 seconds of rehearsal, or after 15 seconds of doing math problems. Unsurprisingly, the average scores followed this same order when ranked highest to […]
“Is This Going To Be On Test?”
You’re asking if you have to do more. It means you’re here just to tell everyone you were here. If you ask “How can I learn/do/give more,” you’re here for a lot more than a certificate of attendance. I think it’s a lot more productive to show up to things that spark the second question […]
Intuition from The Worlds of Our Creation
Imagine I provided the following description of an individual named Linda: “Linda is thirty-one years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in antinuclear demonstrations.” Now I want to ask you which of the following […]
The Information Dilemma
I remember taking a test to fill out all the capitals of the U.S. You probably had to do that a while ago too. But to be quite honest, I must have done something wrong, because I forgot. And now when I’m in a situation where I need to know the capital of a state, […]
The Story With A Thousand Titles
You already know our world runs through narratives. They form the foundations of what we perceive. And before, I warned you not to let those narratives blind you from understanding the world in its reality. While we should be aware of these dangers, there is something stories offer that we should never take for granted. […]
You Might Be Playing The Wrong Game
When people ask me about my greatest achievement, I don’t hesitate to answer: my junior year of high school during the State Academic Decathlon competition where I beat my friend and became the highest scorer on my team. The story people assume I’m about to say goes along this line: I was always behind my […]