Tag: perspective


Well, That’s Interesting

Imagine two people faced with the same unexpected challenge. One quickly reacts to the situation, builds stress, and is hastily trying to find the best solution to resolve the issue. The other stays calm, takes his time, thinks over the challenge thoroughly before testing plausible solutions. Which one would you prefer to solve a problem […]


Boredom is Exciting

When people think of difficult challenges, they think of athletic feats or complex mental puzzles. But very few look at something that may be the most challenging of all. Sitting down for a lengthy period of time and doing nothing. There’s a certain frustration that comes with creating something new. It’s the writer’s block that […]


Intuition from The Worlds of Our Creation

Imagine I provided the following description of an individual named Linda:   “Linda is thirty-one years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in antinuclear demonstrations.” Now I want to ask you which of the following […]


You Might Be Playing The Wrong Game

When people ask me about my greatest achievement, I don’t hesitate to answer: my junior year of high school during the State Academic Decathlon competition where I beat my friend and became the highest scorer on my team. The story people assume I’m about to say goes along this line: I was always behind my […]


Let Go Of Your Experience

There were two groups of scientists working on the same task in two separate labs. One set of scientists had vague credentials. A couple physicists, chemists, and biologists grouped up together. The other set were scientists that were experts in their field in E. Coli. And both were experimenting with proteins from E. Coli. Psychologist […]


Learning To Not Be Educated

“When it’s work, [people] try to figure out how to do less. When it’s art, they try to figure out how to do more” Seth Godin An interesting study was taken whereby a large group of community college students were taken to be testing on their math skills. The question? Which of the following is […]


Why Living With Intention Matters

Have you ever decided to open up YouTube or Instagram for a quick check-up only to sink in much more time than you wish you had? Or maybe you spent an hour in the gym and didn’t feel like you’ve made any progress? Was it just improper planning? Maybe we need to have a better […]


The Trap of Negative Experiences And What To Do About It

“Your experience is entirely determined by you” Sadguru One of the worst experiences of my life occurred my junior year of high school. I had worked all year to become the #1 scorer in my team for Academic Decathlon, a high school competition. I put in all the hours, blood, sweat, tears into my work […]

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